Friday, October 8, 2010

Bento #46 Little gal sandwich

I made this simple bento..a quickest one I've done so far.. around 10-15minutes..and a slow person in doing things, I could do it in a short time..
A Little gal ham sandwich..well, I've done it before..but I guess it's ok to re- do thing..:)

Menu of the day:
1. Boilt egg,
2. Ham sandwich
3. Baby carrots, grapes, and apples

BTW, My camera is currently broken.. that made me out of I cant capture any bento I've done.. So, not sure, when I can post again... I hope my camera would get better soon.. so I will come back to blogging..


  1. lucunyaaa...kalo ada warna merah2 gt pasti kaya' tema oriental ^^

  2. thanks syll...gud idea.. nanti tak pasang..bento berikutnya!! haha..
    btw, kameraku error euy.. gak isa moto. sedihnya..

  3. Cute girl! What happened to your camera? Hope you can fixed it soon or buy a new one hahaha ... :D

  4. waaahhh, sayang banget...pake kamera HP aja mbak...

  5. Hey hey hey... this is nice... pleasing to the eyes... I like it!!! ^_^

  6. Sweet little girl bento...wishing a quick recovery for your camera, Deby!!

  7. Hi deby! I came over to your site from 'Simply Cute' when I saw your Lil Gal Sandwich post and also your blog's name attracted me! All your bentos are awesome! Love the Birthday cake bento you made too!
    Hope that your camera get back to normal ASAP so that I can come over to see your beautiful works again! See ya soon! :D
