Sunday, March 28, 2010

Bento #15 Lil gal sandwich

Making bento is really addictive! I'm a newbie, but seems my heart falls for this hobby so fast..:))
There is such joy for me everytime I do every little detail, to put the eyes, cutting the flower shape,etc. It brings out the creativity that hidden in my mind. Well..As a full time mom, my life has always been surrounded by the children's noise. N ,I found my sanctuary - a ME time when I do bento. It's time consuming- but a Fun one.
Today's bento I make little gal. I used the tips that Susan Yuen has given. You can also take a look at her blog, and many beautiful bento u'll find.

Today's menu:
1. Cheese sandwich
Use the round cutter that you have, big one and small one. The big one you use for the face, and smaller one for the hair.. It's pretty simple.
The eyes, and lips made of nori.
2. To fill the gap I used flower ham, and steam broccoli
3. Yogurt drink
4. Grapes and orange

The sandwich closeup;

Bento #14 Bento Kid wearing costume

Today's bento, I learnt from shoppingmum. It's a wonderful bento blog that I admire so much. She's not stingy in sharing her tips and tutorial step by step in how she does her bento..:)
It's sandwich kid wearing a tiger costum. I challenged myself to make this bento.. It looks difficult, but believe's not. However, it does take longer time for me as am quite a slow person. I decided to do it the nite before to avoid the rushing early in the morning. What u need to do is to wrap the sandwich with the cling wrap and put them into the air tight container. The sandwich stil in the perfect condition the following day. It's not hard also....
Other than that, it's a good tip if you're rushing the early morning.
You just need to place them, and prepare the fruits..

Today's menu:
1. Chocolate sandwiches
2. Yogurt
3. Grapes, and apple
4. Cheese

Bento #13 Princess and Prince?

The idea was to make a prince and princess sandwich.
So, I used the round cutter to cut the cheese and and bread. Sandwich the two bread together with butter and chocolate jam.I used different color of cheese for the crown. Eyes made from nori, and just dot the cheeck with strawberry syrup.

I filled up the rest of the box with the flower ham, chocolate kit kat, and yogurt drink, and orange. Simple, eh??

The supposed to be prince, but my daughter said that it's princess..:)

The princess sandwich..

Bento #12 Bento donut

I was running out any bread supply last nite. Then, rushingly I made donut.. Thinking that i could make monster donut character. I used the instant donut package. I started to make it around 9pm, then only finished by 11pm. I was so pleased with the donut taste. It was so chewy..and the taste so yummy.

In the morning what I did was melt the chocolate chips. Dip the donut on the melted chocolate and decorate with eyes and mouth from cheese.
Today's menu:
1. Monster choco donut
2. Penguin wiener
3. Cheese
4. Apples
(My daughter very picky about fruits, however I keep giving her apples these days- wishing her will eat it one day.. )

Below is the close-up pictures of the donut monster and the penguin sausage.
I made the penguin using the sausage cutter.

Bento #11 Mouse bun

The only bread supply I have is the hotdog bun. I had an imagination to make a mouse from the bun.. but, honestly I dun think it came up nice...haha..

Today's menu:
1. Chocolate butter bun. Put the eyes from cheese, and the mouse whiskers made from nori.
2. Grapes
3. Yogurt drink
4. Kit kat chocolate

You know what I mean? my hubby laughed to see this bento.. he stil could not believe that I tried to make a's not obvious , is it ?

Bento #10 Happy smiley Star

My gal zoe always get a happy smiley face or happy smiley star drawn on her hand by the teacher everytime she behaves at school. I followed the method at home. Giving her the happy smiley face picture as her rewards everytime she listens to instruction well.
Yesterday, she claimed she behaved very well, and asking me for the happy smiley star..
That gave me an idea to make a happy smiley star bento for her.
Here's the result.
Today's menu:
1. Happy smiley Star sandwich. The eyes made from the sausage, and mouth from cheese, and the rosie cheek is the jam.
2. Tulip flower sausage. I used the tulip coktail cutter for this.
3. Grapes satay..:))
4. Cheese

Bento #9 Flower bento

The garden was the theme I picked up for the bento snack this time.

Today's menu:
1. I made a chocolate sandwich flower sandwich.
2. Made the flower stem from sausage
3. The leaf made from green apple, I wrapped it with cling wrap.
4. Sausage bunny
5. Agar2..

Flower close-up

Bento #8 Dragonfly

I learnt this dragonfly sausage from one blog. I couldnt remember tho' where...sorry.
It's pretty easy to make it, what you need was two sausages. Slices the skin one of the sausage, then you can either boil or fried it. Lay the sliced sausage on top of the sausage. Here, I fried it..but next time I do it, I prefer to boil it. It's less oily, and give a better effect.

Today's menu:
1. Dragonfly sausages
2. Duck choco agar2.
3. Grapes
4. Cheese

Dragonfly sausage close-up

Bento #7 Doraemon

Hari ini belajar bikin Doraemon rice.
Menu hari ini:
1. Doraemon rice.
2. Omelet flower, sosis ditengah
3. Keju
4. Sate anggur

Closing up

Bento #6 Chicken popcorn

Hari ini bikinnya biasa banget. Gak ada yang lucu malah..:))
Menu hari ini:
1. Chicken popcorn (anakku ternyata gak doyan yang ginian)
2. Pisang
3. Muffin
4. Keju
5. Yogurt

Chicken popcorn close up

Bento #5 Gadis cilik

Kali ini aku kasih zoey bekal makan yang lebih berat.
1. Bihun dan nasi.
Ceritanya sih mau bikin mei-mei si gadis cina..haha..tapi dari banyak input, kog si mei-mei lebih mirip singa ya?
2. Omelet gulung
3. Coklat
4. Sate sosis

Entah ini Lion or chinese gal?
si coklat

Bento #4 Nasi Dadu

Aku baru beli cetakan nasi kotak2, itulah yang meng-inspirasi untuk bikin ini..

Menu hari ini:

1. Nasi dadu, nasinya kucampur ama keju.. Anakku zoey, kalo lagi gak doyan makan.. cuman nasi sama keju saja yang dia doyan.
2. Sate sosis
3. Yogurt drink

Sate sosis close-up

Bento #3 Sandwich Bunga

Pada waktu bikin bento ini, diriku belum nemuin roti yang empuk disini. Hampir semua merk dicoba, tapi gak ada yang cukup bagus untuk dibentuk dengan cookie cutter. Semua roti yang kucoba, rata2 hancur.. Jadi memang hasil suka kurang memuaskan.
Menu hari ini:
1. Cheese sandwich, flower shaped. Dan ditengahnya sosis
2. Yogurt drink
3. Coklat ferrero
4. Buah Jeruk.
Supaya buah jeruknya airnya gak kemana2, aku bungkus dengan cling wrap...

Foto flower sandwich close-up.

Bento #2

Al Khobar,

Masih nyoba dan nyoba lagi..

Postingan kedua aku...

Menu hari ini:

1. Mie goreng gulung omelet

2. Buah melon dan stroberi

3. Marshmallow

4. Keju

5. Jelly

Sejarah awalnya bikin bento

Al Khobar, 28March10

Akhirnya kuberanikan diri untuk mulai bikin blog tersendiri untuk bekal anakku. Setelah cuman beraninya ditampangin di ef be..:)), ya itu tadi karena belum pe-de. Tapi aku pengen punya site tersendiri dimana aku dapet mengenal orang yang punya hobby yang sama..

Ini adalah post pertama aku tentang bekal makan si Zoey, nama anakku. Dia sekarang ini berusia 3,5tahun dan masih masuk nursery di komplek rumah. Awal aku tertarik bikin bento sebenernya sih karena si bocahku ini amatlah sangat milih2 makan, istilah kerennya Picky eater.. Gak kayak anak2 laen, disuruh makan buah aja ogah dia. Setiap kali disuruh nyoba makanan baru, pasti dicium dulu makanannya. Kalo udah di endus endus bau2 annya tidak berkenan dihati, jangan harap dia mau makan...aarrh susahnya.

Akhirnya setelah browsing2, dan ngliat2 blog mengenai bento..aku jadi sangat tertarik. Karena lunch box/ snack box yg dibuat selucu dan semenarik mungkin, aku yakin bikin anak jadi suka makannya.. yah..mungkin ini adalah salah satu jalan keluar biar anakku mau makan..

Ya sutra deh, mulailah 2bulan lalu kucoba bikin bento snack box, makanan ringan aja buat break time zoe disekolah.

Aku akan post secara perlahan koleksi bento snack box dari awal aku bikin..:))


My very first Bento snack box...yang sekarang kalo kembali kuliat, kog keramean banget rasanya...hahaha... (sstt...jangan kasih tau sapa2 ya, padahal waktu dulu pertama kali buat, kog rasanya dah buagusss.banget gitu..haha..ternyata setelah ditilik ulang sekarang..wah wueleg tenan...haha..).. Aku teteb post ini bento pertama ku karena biar aku bisa liat ulang sejarah awal2 aku bikin.
Isi snack box nya:
1. Telur
2. Sushi palsu...(nasi yg kucampur dengan keju, lalu dibalut dengan nori)
3. Octopus wiener
4. Keju
5. Turtle jelly